ORPEA, a player committed to social and environmental responsibility
Ethics at the heart of each facility’s life
In order to unite employees around ORPEA's values, an Ethics Charter has been drawn up for the Group as a whole and made available to all employees.
On the basis of this charter and the values they wish to make a priority, the staffs in each facility define their own charter of commitments.
A daily Quality commitment
Since it was founded, ORPEA has always aimed to optimise the quality of dependency care it provides. Offering services 24 hours a day, seven days a week, its awareness consists of acknowledging inevitable imperfections and the risk of error. The pro-active approach of ORPEA and its entire staff consists of thoroughly and regularly looking into all possible ways of optimizing and improving the services given to residents and patients.
ORPEA has therefore implemented a pro-active and rigorous Quality policy, since 15 years, based on permanent staff training, external and internal controls and satisfactions survey.
A proactive human resources policy
With 43,000 staff, ORPEA pursues a dynamic, long-term and job-creating human resources policy. The aim is to make staff loyal, develop their skills and provide the best possible work conditions to enable them to flourish.
Indeed, for many years now, the ORPEA group has seen its workforce steadily grow with an average of 1,500 to 2,000 recruitments a year. These jobs are both long-term (cannot be relocated or outsourced, 90% permanent job contracts) and diverse (by geographical zone and profession).
Growth in employment is governed by a pro-active policy in terms of professional training, employment of the disabled and older workers, as well as promoting dialogue with the social partners and unions.
To promote the professional development of its employees whilst meeting the Group's strategic needs, ORPEA pursues a pro-active training policy where training is seen not as an end in itself but as a real tool to help improve the quality of patient care and the motivation and qualification of employees.
Environmental policy
ORPEA builds its facilities itself, through its in-house engineering and construction department. Within this framework, over several years, ORPEA has paid particular attention to environmental and energy saving aspects, incorporating them into its buildings.
In this respect, for these new projects, ORPEA takes into account renewable energies and the HQE (High Quality Environment) approach, in order to limit the impact of its constructions on the external environment whilst ensuring healthy and pleasant living conditions in its facilities.
To meet its environmental commitments, ORPEA’s construction department has studied the 14 HQE targets, and defined to what extent each one should be taken into consideration, and has transcribed them into actions to be undertaken for each new construction project.