The Company confirms its commitment to the Afep – Medef code, and applies a number of its recommendations.
Board of Directors
The Articles of Association state that the Board of Directors may have no less than three and no more than eighteen members, serving for a term of four years.
The Company is currently run by a Board of Directors with twelve members. Philippe Charrier is Non-Executive Chairman and Doctor Jean-Claude Marian is the Group’s Honorary Chairman.
The functions of the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer are separated.
Yves Le Masne is ORPEA's Chief Executive Officer, and Jean-Claude Brdenk is Chief Operating Officer.
The Board of Directors has set up two committees:
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee monitors issues relating to the drawing up and control of accounting and financial information, in order to prepare the Board of Directors’ decisions with regards to financial and accounting matters.
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
The main mission of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee is notably to inform the Board of Directors’ decisions regarding General Management procedures and the status of its executives, and to submit proposals to the Board regarding the choice of Directors.