The Company confirms its commitment to the Afep – Medef code, and applies most of its recommendations.
Board of Directors
The Articles of Association state that the Board of Directors may have no less than three and no more than eighteen members, serving for a term of four years.
The Company is currently run by a Board of Directors with eleven members. Guillaume Pepy is the Chairman.
*Candidates proposed by CPPIB
Internal rules of the Board of Directors of ORPEA
Articles of association as of July 28, 2022
The functions of Chief Executive Officer have been assumed since July 1st, 2022 by M. Laurent Guillot.
The Board of Directors has set up three committees:
Audit and Risk Committee
The Audit and Risk Committee monitors issues relating to the drawing up and control of accounting and financial information, in order to prepare the Board of Directors’ decisions with regards to financial and accounting matters.
The 6 members of the Audit and Risk Committee are:
- Olivier Lecomte (Chairman)
- Corine de Bilbao
- Isabelle Calvez
- David Hale
- John Glen
- Peugeot Invest Assets (represented by Bertrand Finet)
Appointments and Remuneration Committee
The main mission of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee is notably to inform the Board of Directors’ decisions regarding General Management procedures and the status of its executives, and to submit proposals to the Board regarding the choice of Directors.
The 5 members of the Appointments and Remuneration Committee are:
- Peugeot Invest Assets (represented by Bertrand Finet, Chairman)
- Corine de Bilbao
- Pascale Richetta
- Joy Verlé
- Laurent Serris (director representing the employees)
Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee
Ethics, Quality and CSR being at the heart of ORPEA's business model, the main tasks of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee are to review the Group's strategy and commitments in terms of Social, Environmental and Societal Responsibility and Innovation and to monitor actions and evaluate the main results.
The 4 members of the Ethics, Quality and CSR Committee are:
- Corine de Bilbao, Chairman
- Pascale Richetta
- David Hale
- Sophie Kalaidjian (director representing employees)